
From the first time I met you I knew you were special.


It may have taken a while to get to this day, but we are finally here and I am happy that we are taking this journey together.

雖然花了一點時間 我很慶幸能夠和你一起展開人生的旅途

I promise to be there for you, as you are my best friend.

我承諾長伴在你身旁 因為你是我的摯友

I promise to provide you all your needs in times of joy and in times of sadness.

我承諾不論喜悅或悲傷 都會照顧你的需求

I promise to give you hugs and heaps of kisses unreservedly, and know that our love will last forever and forever.

我永遠不會吝嗇給你許多的吻與擁抱 因為我確信我們的愛永遠長存

You make me smile and laugh and I believe we will share a wonderful life together.

你是我快樂的泉源 而我確信我們能一起分享美滿的人生

Know that you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

你知道 我只想與你共度此生

You are my soul-mate, my best friend and my one true love,

你是我靈魂的另一半 我的摯友 我唯一的真愛

and today I ask you to finally be my husband.

今天 我請你成為我的丈夫

So, with our family & friends as witnesses, I promise that as your wife I will

願我們的家人與朋友們為我們見證 身為你的新娘 我承諾:

Support & encourage you in all that you wish to achieve


I will comfort you and care for you in times of need


I will ask for, listen to, and value your opinion


I will cherish you for who you are and never ask you anything else

就因為是你  所以我珍惜  也不再多求

 And I will always be at your side, to hold your hand, cuddle you & kiss you, and grow old together

我將會永遠在你身旁 執子之手與子偕老

But above all, I promise to love you whole-heartedly & unconditionally as I have done for the past 12 years, as I do now, and as I will always.

就像我們一起走過的十二個年頭一樣 我現在 和未來 都會毫無保留的愛你

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